Shiner Gaslight Theatre
Youth are an integral part of the life, spirit and hope of the Gaslight Theatre. It is in that spirit that the Board of Directors established the Thespian Scholarship. To be eligible, a candidate has to fulfill specific requirements set by the Gaslight Board and volunteer at the theatre. Letters are sent to counselors of area schools at the end of February, along with a copy of the application. You can download an application by clicking the appropriate version below.
Emma Davis Shiner High School
Adrianna Johnson Hallettsville High School
Mauren Knezek St. Paul High School
Grace Migl Shiner High School
Brianna Sofka Shiner High School
Micalla Bridges Yoakum High School
Megan Winkenwerder Shiner High School
Tyler Ferry Yoakum High School
Seryna Garza St. Paul High School
Zane Hairell Yoakum High School
Kade Leist St. Paul High School
Halle Pilat St. Paul High School
Gracee Lee Prove St. Paul High School
Ayden Shimek Yoakum High School
Gwendolyn Warren Yoakum High School
Jayden Carson Shiner High School
Bowen Jacobs Yoakum High School
Kaitlin Mitchon Shiner High School
Emma Vega Gonzales High School
Ty Winkenwerder Shiner High School
Isabell Clay St. Paul High School
Sydney Herman St. Paul High School
Kathleen Knesek Shiner High School
Matthew Malinovsky St. Paul High School
Kylee Ann Tullos Hallettsville High School
Patrick Green St. Paul High School
Stacie Sykora Sacred Heart High School
Ryan Gearson Yoakum High School
Darby Johnson St. Paul High School
Ashley Wachsmuth St. Paul High School
Abraham Ascencio Gonzales High School
Kristofer Knesek Home-Schooled
Derek Konvicka Hallettsville High School
Alyssa Kutac St. Paul High School
Katarina Leist Shiner High School
Noah Leist St. Paul High School
Ryan Malinovsky St. Paul High School
Jessica Pesek Shiner High School
Amber Pustka Hallettsville High School
Ashley Stluka Shiner High School
Delanie Urbanovsky Cypress Woods High School
Savannah Urbanovsky Cypress Woods High School
Adrian Buesing Gonzales High School
Wyatt Kaiser Yoakum High School
McKenzie Kresta St. Paul High School
Emily Malinovsky St. Paul High School
Sarah Reese Shiner High School
DJ Truman Shiner High School
Hali Berger Yoakum High School
Megan Harper Sacred Heart High School
Colby Jahn Shiner High School
Clayton Mark Kelley Gonzales High School
Eryn Lambert Shiner High School
Michael Lawrence Shiner High School
Tanner Pietsch Shiner High School
Shalan Raabe Hallettsville High School
Abigail Renner Hallettsville High School
Stephanie Sykora Sacred Heart High School
Hailey Ann Tucker Shiner High School
Layne Becker Gonzales High School
Emmalie Berkovsky Shiner High School
Brady Cejka Shiner High School
Katie Denson St. Paul High School
Shelly Kresta Shiner High School
Kately Nicole Leist St. Paul High School
Lauren Oden Shiner High School
Anna Reardon Yoakum High School
Cole Jacob Strauss Shiner High School
Michelle Hamilton Shiner High School
Jake Jalufka Shiner High School
Zach Lawrence Shiner High School
Kasi Pesek Shiner High School
Cassie Stafford Shiner High School
Nicholle Tieken Shiner High School
Randi Berkovsky Shiner High School
Hilary Jaehne Shiner High School
Rachel Kalich Shiner High School
Morgan Meyer Sacred Heart High School
Montana Mote Shiner High School
Kevin Bird Gonzales High School
Eugenia Gaines Gonzales High School
Caitlin Kalich Shiner High School
Lynsey Lawrence Shiner High School
Michaelis Linke Cuero High School
Courtney Mraz Saint Paul High School
Kendle Patek Saint Paul High School
Trevor Stluka Shiner High School
Adam Kalich Shiner High School
Alyssa Strauss Shiner High School
Courtney Truman Shiner High School
Kimberly Butschek Hallettsville High School
Megan Cejka Shiner High School
Tiffany Fisher Shiner High School
Henry Hischer Shiner High School
Ryan Lawrence Shiner High School
Kevin Patek St Paul High School
Cody Selzer Shiner High School
Amber Stratman Shiner High School
Ross Tieken Shiner High School
Lauren Woods Hallettsville High School
Kayla Bludau Sacred Heart High School
Kasey Bludau Sacred Heart High School
Chad Kloesel Saint Paul High School
Sara Steinocher Sacred Heart High School
Adriana Varela Yoakum High School
Darrell Wagner Shiner High School
Lindsey Hagens Shiner High School
John Mraz Shiner High School
Ky Pohler Shiner High School
Hilary Pustka Shiner High School
Lauren Tankersly Sacred Heart High School
Katherine Butschek Hallettsville High School
Amy Huckaby Shiner High School
Trevor Seekamp Yoakum High School
Amy Strauss Sacred Heart High School
Traci Stevens Yoakum High School
Neal Etzler Hallettsville High School
Jessica Kaiser Yoakum High School
Joey Kaspar Shiner High School
Chelsea Lauer Shiner High School
Hailey Michalec Shiner High School
Krystal Patek St. Paul High School
Brady Strauss Shiner High School
Victoria Turek Shiner High School
Russel Wagner Shiner High School
Carli Kaspar Shiner High School
Jessica Pustka Shiner High School
Thespian Scholarships...
Scholarship Recipients
Applications are due by April 15 each year.
Mail your applications to:
Thespian Scholarship
Gaslight Theatre
P.O. Box 223
Shiner, TX 77984